

Send to indicating in the subject of the e-mail message: Progress in Echinoderm Palaeobiology.

Deadline: 15th February 2015

Data for contact author:      Name:

Specifications for submittal of short papers:

1. Use the format in the short papers template, following all specifications regarding page size (A-4), margins (2 cm on all 4 sides), letter set (Arial 10, single spacing and justified on both sides, except where otherwise specified).
2. At least one of the authors must be formally registered as a participant in the meeting. Short papers not complying with this prerequisite will not be published.
3. Indicate initials and last names of authors. For example: J. Smith, P.J. Silver, etc.
4. The short papers must be written with Arial 10, single spacing, maximum 3 pages of text (approximately 500 word per page) and maximum 2 figures with their captions (only one of them may be a full size photographic plate). Maximum size for one full page plate is 135 x 187 mm.
5. Title must be centered and capital letters, followed by authors, keywords and the body of the text (Introduction, ... Discussion, Conclusions, References).
6. Figures may be in colour (without extra cost) and must be inserted in the document from image files with enough resolution to be able to visualize and print. They must be already properly located within the text and with an adjacent caption (numbered Figure 1, Figure 2, Plate 1) and quoted in the text as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Pl. 1.
7. Text shall be written in English.
8. Maximum size of the Word DOC file of the short paper ready to send by e-mail must not exceed 10 Mb. In case it is larger, it must be sent to the organizers using Dropbox.


All short papers submitted to the meeting will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be rejected if not complying with the meeting's topics and/or if the content doesn’t reach a minimum standard quality.

The Organizing Committee

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España